Höhn 14th e-live Auction
March 15th, 2020
Coins and Medals from Ancient to Modern
Short Terms and Conditions
The hammer price is the basis for calculating the customer's premium payable on German Collector of 20% incl. VAT.; Gold coins are VAT free;However the auctioneer
reserves the right to recalculate sales tax for items that are not included in any of the Federal Ministry of Finance still to be created catalog are included. Gold coins that are exempt from sales tax are charged with a premium of 15%. Traders who have their place of business in one EU Member States are asked to provide their VAT identification number (VAT number), so that the goods can be delivered without VAT. Foreign customers from countries that are not members of the EU will receive a 15% premium on the Hammer price. You will receive the delivery only against payment of the purchase price in EURO currency. It is to be paid without bank charges.
Please note the Terms and Conditions
Lot Start | Lot End | Starting Time | |
Sunday March 15th, 2020 | |||
4001 | 5931 | 10:00 CET |