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    29 Hardner Road
    Mount Waverley, Victoria, 3149

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    Web: https://www.abacusauctions.com.au/
  • About Abacus Auctions

    Abacus Auctions conducts public auctions of Coins, Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia, Postcards and Stamps. We are located in Melbourne, Australia and specialise in Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands, but all auctions also offer worldwide material including Asia, British Commonwealth, Europe and Rest of the World. We are always accepting suitable consignments and regularly attend exhibitions in Europe and the USA. Please contact Torsten Weller torsten@abacusauctions.com.au for further information.

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Abacus Auctions

Director Torsten Weller

29 Hardner Road
Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149


Tel: (03) 8513 0595
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Abacus Auctions

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Abacus Auctions

Auction Results
December 10th - 13th, 2024
258th Abacus Auction - Medals, Coins & Banknotes
Australien, australische Kolonien und Territorien und Briefmarken aus aller Welt, Postgeschichte und Ansichtskarten, Münzen ...
August 27th - 30th, 2024
257th Abacus Auction - Medals, Coins & Banknotes
Sale 257 offers 3,300+ lots with estimates of almost A$2,000,000. Feature sections include Lindsay Chitty’s collection of ...
May 21st - 24th, 2024
256th Abacus Auction - Medals, Coins & Banknotes
Public Auction 256 Australia, Australian Colonies & Territories and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History & Picture Postcards, ...
February 21st - 23rd, 2024
255th Abacus Auction - Medals, Coins & Banknotes
Public Auction 255 Australia, Australian Colonies & Territories and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History & Picture Postcards, ...
December 6th - 8th, 2023
254th Abacus Auction - Medals, Coins & Banknotes
Public Auction 254 - Australia, Australian Colonies & Territories and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History & Picture Postcards, ...
September 19th - 22nd, 2023
253rd Abacus Auction - Medals, Coins & Banknotes
Public Auction 253 - Australia, Colonies & Territories, New Guinea & Papua and Worldwide Stamps, Postal History & ...
Februar 28th - March 3rd, 2023
250th Abacus Auction
This sale offers almost 3,000 lots with estimates of A$1,400,000+. Australia includes Kangaroos, KGV Heads, Pre-Decimals and early Decimals ...
November 9th - 12th, 2022
249th Abacus Auction
Our November auction offers 2500+ lots with estimates of A$2,000,000+ highlighted by the Dr Don Pearce collection of South Australia Stamps ...
postponed to August 3rd - 5th, 2022
248th Abacus Auction: Coins & Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia & Collectables
Offering 2000+ lots with estimates of A$1,300,000+, this sale leads off with Australia including 100+ collection & accumulation lots, ...
June 17th - 18th, 2021
24th Abacus Auction: Coins, Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia & Collectables
This auction features 600+ lots of Sporting Memorabilia, 300+ lots of Cigarette & Trade Cards and 600+ lots of Coins, Banknotes, Medals & ...
230th Abacus Auction: Coins, Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia & Collectables
Coins, Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia & Collectables
November 25th, 2018
230th Abacus Auction: Coins, Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia & Collectables
Auction 230 Coins, Banknotes, Sporting Memorabilia & Collectables on Sunday 25 November 2018 features Cricket with the balance of Don ...
July 22nd, 2018
Abacus Auction sale #228

This Sale 228 offers over 1000 lots starting with Sporting Memorabilia highlighted by the collection of Cricketers’ autographs ...