LENZ Briefmarken & Münzen
Kleines Lot mit 43 alten meist Antiken Münzen im kleinen Beutel もっと見る
Kleines Lot mit 43 alten meist Antiken Münzen im kleinen Beutel mit
ca. 190gr., dabei auch Silber, ansehen
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Small lot with 43 old mostly antique coins in the small bag with approximate 190 large, with also silver, have a look
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Small lot with 43 old mostly antique coins in the small bag with approximate 190 large, with also silver, have a look
Myntkompaniet & AB Philea
Ancient, Mixed, 14 silver and bronze coins, year 29–327, もっと見る
Ancient, Mixed, 14 silver and bronze coins, year 29–327, mixed
Hellman Auctions
Three ancient coins: a small silver coin from around 700 BC, and
two もっと見る Three ancient coins: a small silver coin from around 700 BC, and two later coins from the 4th century AD
two もっと見る Three ancient coins: a small silver coin from around 700 BC, and two later coins from the 4th century AD
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
ILLYRO-PÄONISCHE REGION. DAMASTION. Tetradrachme 12,27g. もっと見る
ILLYRO-PÄONISCHE REGION. DAMASTION. Tetradrachme 12,27g. Magistrat Herakleidas. Belorbeerter Apollonkopf n.r. / Dreifuß auf Basis. May 57,60vgl. . Erhaltung: barbarischer Stil, vz Schätzpreis: 600
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ILLYRO-PÄONISCHE partition. DAMASTION. Tetradrachm 12, 27 g. Magistracy Herakleidas. Laureate Apollo head to the right / tripod on foundation. May 57, 60 comp. Condition: barbaric style, extremly fine. Estimated-price: 600
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ILLYRO-PÄONISCHE partition. DAMASTION. Tetradrachm 12, 27 g. Magistracy Herakleidas. Laureate Apollo head to the right / tripod on foundation. May 57, 60 comp. Condition: barbaric style, extremly fine. Estimated-price: 600
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
BRITANNIEN. ICENI. "Quinar" (10 v. Chr. -60 n. Chr.) 1,11g. もっと見る
BRITANNIEN. ICENI. "Quinar" (10 v. Chr. -60 n. Chr.) 1,11g. Ornament mit verdoppelter gegenständiger Mondsichel / / Pferd mit Fischgrätmähne läuft n. r., über dem Pferd blütenförmig Punkte ECE Symbol-Typ). v.Arsdell 761-766, Sb. 445, Mack 425-428. . Erhaltung: vz Schätzpreis: 100
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Britannia. ICENI. "quinarius" (10 BC -60 to Chr. ) 1, 11 g. Ornament with doubled opposite crescent moon / / horse with herringbone mane runs to the right, over the horse blossom-shaped points ECE emblem type). From Arsdell 761-766, Sb. 445, Mack 425-428. Condition: extremly fine. Estimated-price: 100
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Britannia. ICENI. "quinarius" (10 BC -60 to Chr. ) 1, 11 g. Ornament with doubled opposite crescent moon / / horse with herringbone mane runs to the right, over the horse blossom-shaped points ECE emblem type). From Arsdell 761-766, Sb. 445, Mack 425-428. Condition: extremly fine. Estimated-price: 100
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
BRITANNIEN. ICENI. "Quinar" (10 v. Chr. -60 n. Chr.) 1,16g. もっと見る
BRITANNIEN. ICENI. "Quinar" (10 v. Chr. -60 n. Chr.) 1,16g. Ornament mit verdoppelter gegenständiger Mondsichel / / Pferd mit Fischgrätmähne läuft n. r., über dem Pferd blütenförmig Punkte ECE Symbol-Typ). v.Arsdell 761-766, Sb. 445, Mack 425-428. . Erhaltung: vz- Schätzpreis: 80
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Britannia. ICENI. "quinarius" (10 BC -60 to Chr. ) 1, 16 g. Ornament with doubled opposite crescent moon / / horse with herringbone mane runs to the right, over the horse blossom-shaped points ECE emblem type). From Arsdell 761-766, Sb. 445, Mack 425-428. Condition: extremly fine . Estimated-price: 80
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Britannia. ICENI. "quinarius" (10 BC -60 to Chr. ) 1, 16 g. Ornament with doubled opposite crescent moon / / horse with herringbone mane runs to the right, over the horse blossom-shaped points ECE emblem type). From Arsdell 761-766, Sb. 445, Mack 425-428. Condition: extremly fine . Estimated-price: 80
Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH
Drachme um 104 v. Chr. Kopf r./Reiter r. 3,43 g. もっと見る
Drachme um 104 v. Chr. Kopf r./Reiter r. 3,43 g. sehr
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Drachm about 104 BC head r. / horseman r. 3, 43 g. Very fine / extremley fine
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Drachm about 104 BC head r. / horseman r. 3, 43 g. Very fine / extremley fine
Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH
Denar 133/100 v. Chr. XM. Bärtiger Kopf r./Reiter r. mit Lanze.
3,92 もっと見る Denar 133/100 v. Chr. XM. Bärtiger Kopf r./Reiter r. mit Lanze. 3,92 g. vorzüglich/Stempelglanz, Prachtexemplar mit herrlicher Patina
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Denarius 133 / 100 BC XM. Bearded head r. / horseman r. With lance. 3, 92 g. Extremley fine / mint condition, superb specimen with wonderful patina
3,92 もっと見る Denar 133/100 v. Chr. XM. Bärtiger Kopf r./Reiter r. mit Lanze. 3,92 g. vorzüglich/Stempelglanz, Prachtexemplar mit herrlicher Patina
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Denarius 133 / 100 BC XM. Bearded head r. / horseman r. With lance. 3, 92 g. Extremley fine / mint condition, superb specimen with wonderful patina
Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH
Denar 133/100 v. Chr. v. Chr. XM. Bärtiger Kopf r./Reiter r. もっと見る
Denar 133/100 v. Chr. v. Chr. XM. Bärtiger Kopf r./Reiter r. mit
Lanze. 3,91 g. sehr schön
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Denarius 133 / 100 BC BC XM. Bearded head r. / horseman r. With lance. 3, 91 g. Very fine
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Denarius 133 / 100 BC BC XM. Bearded head r. / horseman r. With lance. 3, 91 g. Very fine
Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH
Calic ...
As 1. Jh. v. Chr. Jünglingsbüste r., daneben Hand/Sphinx geht もっと見る
As 1. Jh. v. Chr. Jünglingsbüste r., daneben Hand/Sphinx geht r.
schön/sehr schön
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As 1. Jh. BC bust of a young man r, beside hand / sphinx goes r. Fine to very fine
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As 1. Jh. BC bust of a young man r, beside hand / sphinx goes r. Fine to very fine
Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH
Drachme um 133/127 v. Chr. Kopf r./Reiter r. 3,48 g. gutes もっと見る
Drachme um 133/127 v. Chr. Kopf r./Reiter r. 3,48 g. gutes sehr
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Drachm about 133 / 127 BC head r. / horseman r. 3, 48 g. Good very fine
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Drachm about 133 / 127 BC head r. / horseman r. 3, 48 g. Good very fine
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. SEXI (Almunecar, Prov. Granada). もっと見る
SPANIEN. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. SEXI (Almunecar, Prov. Granada). AE-As 24/25mm (vor 50 v.Chr.) 8,67g. Melkarthkopf mit Löwenfell und Keule n.l. / (neupun.:) "MP'L - SEXS" 2 Thunfische n.r. zwischen Mondsichel und Punkt/Sonne. Burgos 1222-1223, Calico - (1179-1184vgl.), SNG Cop. - (vgl. 54-55). . Erhaltung: R grüne Patina s-ss Schätzpreis: 150
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Spain. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. SEXI (Almunecar, country Granada). Bronze As 24 / 25 mm (before 50 BC) 8, 67 g. Melkarth head with skin of a lion and bat left / (neupun. : ) "MP'L - SEXS" 2 tunas to the right between crescent and dot / Sun. Burgos 1222-1223, Calico - (1179-1184 comp. ), SNG Cop. - (comp. 54-55). Condition: R green patina s-ss . Estimated-price: 150
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Spain. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. SEXI (Almunecar, country Granada). Bronze As 24 / 25 mm (before 50 BC) 8, 67 g. Melkarth head with skin of a lion and bat left / (neupun. : ) "MP'L - SEXS" 2 tunas to the right between crescent and dot / Sun. Burgos 1222-1223, Calico - (1179-1184 comp. ), SNG Cop. - (comp. 54-55). Condition: R green patina s-ss . Estimated-price: 150
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BELIGIO (Azaila, Prov. Zaragoza). もっと見る
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BELIGIO (Azaila, Prov. Zaragoza). AE-As 23mm (150/50 v.Chr.) 11,66g. Bärtiger Kopf n.r.; l. (keltiber.) "Be" / Lanzenreiter prescht n.r.: unten (keltiber.:) "BeLIGiOM". Burgos 394, de Guadan 347, Calico 133-137, SNG Cop. 321-322. . Erhaltung: grüne Patina mit rötlichem Sand, ss Schätzpreis: 150
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BELIGIO (Azaila, country Zaragoza). Bronze As 23 mm (150 / 50 BC) 11, 66 g. Bearded head to the right; l. (keltiber. ) "Be" / lancer rushes to the right: at the bottom (keltiber. : ) "Be LIGi OM". Burgos 394, de Guadan 347, Calico 133-137, SNG Cop. 321-322. Condition: green patina with reddish sand, very fine. Estimated-price: 150
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BELIGIO (Azaila, country Zaragoza). Bronze As 23 mm (150 / 50 BC) 11, 66 g. Bearded head to the right; l. (keltiber. ) "Be" / lancer rushes to the right: at the bottom (keltiber. : ) "Be LIGi OM". Burgos 394, de Guadan 347, Calico 133-137, SNG Cop. 321-322. Condition: green patina with reddish sand, very fine. Estimated-price: 150
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TURIASU-KASTU (Tarazona, Prov. Zaragoza). Denar (um 133/72 v.Chr.) 3,67g. Bärtiger Kopf n.r.; unten "Ka-S-Tu" / Lanzenreiter n.r.; auf Abschnitt "TuRIASU". Burgos 759, de Guadan 349-354, Calico 1203-1207, SNG Cop. 355. . Erhaltung: fein getönt, ss Schätzpreis: 250
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TURIASU-KASTU (Tarazona, country Zaragoza). Denarius (about 133 / 72 BC) 3, 67 g. Bearded head to the right; at the bottom "Ka STu" / lancer to the right; on cut off "Tu RIASU". Burgos 759, de Guadan 349-354, Calico 1203-1207, SNG Cop. 355. Condition: fine shaded, very fine. Estimated-price: 250
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TURIASU-KASTU (Tarazona, country Zaragoza). Denarius (about 133 / 72 BC) 3, 67 g. Bearded head to the right; at the bottom "Ka STu" / lancer to the right; on cut off "Tu RIASU". Burgos 759, de Guadan 349-354, Calico 1203-1207, SNG Cop. 355. Condition: fine shaded, very fine. Estimated-price: 250
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. CORDUBA (Cordoba). AE-Quadrans 18mm もっと見る
SPANIEN. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. CORDUBA (Cordoba). AE-Quadrans 18mm (Ende 2. Jh. v.Chr.) 6,68g Kopf der Venus n.r. / Cupido steht nackt, mit Kurzfackel und Füllhorn n.l. Calico 536, de Guadan - . zum Datum vgl. RPC 86. ohne Ethnikon RR. Erhaltung: dunkelgrüne Patina, s-ss Schätzpreis: 90
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Spain. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. CORDUBA (cordoba). Bronze quadrans 18 mm (end 2. Jh. BC) 6, 68 g head the Venus to the right / Cupid based nude, with Kurzfackel and cornucopia left Calico 536, de Guadan - . To the date comp. RPC 86. Without ethnic RR. Condition: dark green patina, s-ss . Estimated-price: 90
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Spain. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. CORDUBA (cordoba). Bronze quadrans 18 mm (end 2. Jh. BC) 6, 68 g head the Venus to the right / Cupid based nude, with Kurzfackel and cornucopia left Calico 536, de Guadan - . To the date comp. RPC 86. Without ethnic RR. Condition: dark green patina, s-ss . Estimated-price: 90
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. IBOLKA / OBULCO (Porcuna). AE-As 27/28mm (150/40 v.Chr.) 16,71g, Magistrate. Weiblicher Kopf n.r.; davor OBVLCO / "BuTeLCoS-ToBoTuKi" zwischen Pflug und Palmzweig. Burgos 828var., SNG Cop. - , de Guadan - , Calico 899-903vgl. . Erhaltung: R dunkelgrüne Patina, s-ss/ss Schätzpreis: 140
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Spain. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. IBOLKA / OBULCO (Porcuna). Bronze As 27 / 28 mm (150 / 40 BC) 16, 71 g, Magistrate. Female head to the right; before that OBVLCO / "Bu Te LCo S-To Bo Tu Ki" between plow and palm branch. Burgos 828 var, SNG Cop. -, de Guadan -, Calico 899-903 comp. Condition: R dark green patina, s-ss / ss . Estimated-price: 140
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Spain. HISPANIA ULTERIOR. IBOLKA / OBULCO (Porcuna). Bronze As 27 / 28 mm (150 / 40 BC) 16, 71 g, Magistrate. Female head to the right; before that OBVLCO / "Bu Te LCo S-To Bo Tu Ki" between plow and palm branch. Burgos 828 var, SNG Cop. -, de Guadan -, Calico 899-903 comp. Condition: R dark green patina, s-ss / ss . Estimated-price: 140
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BILBILIS (bei Calatayud). AE-As 27/28mm (um 91/61 v.Chr.) 11,62g. Jünglingskopf mit Perlenkette n.r.; [davor Delfin]; dahinter iberisch Bi / Lanzenreiter n.r.; unten (keltiber.) BiLBiLIS. Burgos 402, SNG Cop. 358. . Erhaltung: grüne Patina, vz/ss Schätzpreis: 200
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BILBILIS (by Calatayud). Bronze As 27 / 28 mm (about 91 / 61 BC) 11, 62 g. Youth head with pearl chain to the right; [davor Delfin]; behind Iberian Bi / lancer to the right; at the bottom (keltiber. ) Bi LBi LIS. Burgos 402, SNG Cop. 358. Condition: green patina, extremly fine / ss . Estimated-price: 200
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BILBILIS (by Calatayud). Bronze As 27 / 28 mm (about 91 / 61 BC) 11, 62 g. Youth head with pearl chain to the right; [davor Delfin]; behind Iberian Bi / lancer to the right; at the bottom (keltiber. ) Bi LBi LIS. Burgos 402, SNG Cop. 358. Condition: green patina, extremly fine / ss . Estimated-price: 200
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BOLSKA / OSCA (Huesca). Denar (133/40 v.Chr.) 4,05g. Bärtiger Kopf n.r.; dahinter "BoN" / Lanzenreiter prescht n.r.; auf Abschnitt "BoLSKaN". Burgos 408, de Guadan 587-593, Calico 168-173, SNG Cop. 324, SNG BM 695ff. . Erhaltung: dunkle Patina ss + Schätzpreis: 250
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BOLSKA / OSCA (Huesca). Denarius (133 / 40 BC) 4, 05 g. Bearded head to the right; behind "Bo N" / lancer rushes to the right; on cut off "Bo LSKa N". Burgos 408, de Guadan 587-593, Calico 168-173, SNG Cop. 324, SNG BM 695 ff. Condition: dark patina very fine plus. Estimated-price: 250
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BOLSKA / OSCA (Huesca). Denarius (133 / 40 BC) 4, 05 g. Bearded head to the right; behind "Bo N" / lancer rushes to the right; on cut off "Bo LSKa N". Burgos 408, de Guadan 587-593, Calico 168-173, SNG Cop. 324, SNG BM 695 ff. Condition: dark patina very fine plus. Estimated-price: 250
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BOLSKA / OSCA (Huesca). AE-As 23mm (91/61 v.Chr.) 7,33g. Bärt. Kopf n.r.; l. Delfin kopfüber / Lanzenreiter n.r.; l. oben Stern; unten (keltiber.) ["BoL]SKaN". Burgos 411, de Guadan 595, Calico 179, SNG Cop. 325. Ziegaus 84;. Erhaltung: grüne Patina, ss-vz Schätzpreis: 200
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BOLSKA / OSCA (Huesca). Bronze As 23 mm (91 / 61 BC) 7, 33 g. Bärt. Head to the right; l. Dolphin head first / lancer to the right; l. Above star; at the bottom (keltiber. ) ["Bo L]SKa N". Burgos 411, de Guadan 595, Calico 179, SNG Cop. 325. Ziegaus 84; . Condition: green patina, very fine to extremly fine. Estimated-price: 200
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. BOLSKA / OSCA (Huesca). Bronze As 23 mm (91 / 61 BC) 7, 33 g. Bärt. Head to the right; l. Dolphin head first / lancer to the right; l. Above star; at the bottom (keltiber. ) ["Bo L]SKa N". Burgos 411, de Guadan 595, Calico 179, SNG Cop. 325. Ziegaus 84; . Condition: green patina, very fine to extremly fine. Estimated-price: 200
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KASTILO / CASTULO (Cazlona). AE-As 33/32mm (133/116 v.Chr.) 28,71g. Kopf m. Diadem n.r. / Behelmte Sphinx steht n.r.; r. Sonnenstern; unten (keltiber.) [KaSTiLE]. Burgos 876, SNG Cop. 207. . Erhaltung: schwer, hellgrüne Patina, s Schätzpreis: 100
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KASTILO / CASTULO (Cazlona). Bronze As 33 / 32 mm (133 / 116 BC) 28, 71 g. Head with diadem to the right / helmeted sphinx based to the right; r. Sonnenstern; at the bottom (keltiber. ) [Ka STi LE]. Burgos 876, SNG Cop. 207. Condition: heavy, light green patina, s . Estimated-price: 100
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KASTILO / CASTULO (Cazlona). Bronze As 33 / 32 mm (133 / 116 BC) 28, 71 g. Head with diadem to the right / helmeted sphinx based to the right; r. Sonnenstern; at the bottom (keltiber. ) [Ka STi LE]. Burgos 876, SNG Cop. 207. Condition: heavy, light green patina, s . Estimated-price: 100
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KONDERBIA KARBIKA (im Jilocatal). AE-As 25mm (105/40 v.Chr.) 9,51g. Jünglingskopf n.r.; davor Delfin n.oben; dahinter "KaRBiKa" / Lanzenreiter prescht n.r.; darunter "KoNDeBaKoM". Burgos 528, de Guadan 754, Calico 527-530, SNG Cop. 381. . Erhaltung: grüne Sandpatina, l.Rf. sonst fast vz Schätzpreis: 200
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KONDERBIA KARBIKA (in the Jilocatal). Bronze As 25 mm (105 / 40 BC) 9, 51 g. Youth head to the right; before that Dolphin to the top; behind "Ka RBi Ka" / lancer rushes to the right; beneath "Ko NDe Ba Ko M". Burgos 528, de Guadan 754, Calico 527-530, SNG Cop. 381. Condition: green sand patina, l. Edge nick otherwise almost extremly fine. Estimated-price: 200
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KONDERBIA KARBIKA (in the Jilocatal). Bronze As 25 mm (105 / 40 BC) 9, 51 g. Youth head to the right; before that Dolphin to the top; behind "Ka RBi Ka" / lancer rushes to the right; beneath "Ko NDe Ba Ko M". Burgos 528, de Guadan 754, Calico 527-530, SNG Cop. 381. Condition: green sand patina, l. Edge nick otherwise almost extremly fine. Estimated-price: 200
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TITIA (Atienza, Prov. Guadalajara). もっと見る
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TITIA (Atienza, Prov. Guadalajara). AE-As 24/25mm (133/40 v.Chr.) 7,91g. Bärtiger Kopf n.r.; l. (keltiber.) "Ti" / Lanzenreiter prescht n.r.; unten "TiTiAKoS". Burgos 750, de Guadan 671, Calico 1191, SNG Cop. 391. . Erhaltung: grüne Patina, fast ss Schätzpreis: 140
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TITIA (Atienza, country Guadalajara). Bronze As 24 / 25 mm (133 / 40 BC) 7, 91 g. Bearded head to the right; l. (keltiber. ) "Ti" / lancer rushes to the right; at the bottom "Ti Ti AKo S". Burgos 750, de Guadan 671, Calico 1191, SNG Cop. 391. Condition: green patina, almost very fine. Estimated-price: 140
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. TITIA (Atienza, country Guadalajara). Bronze As 24 / 25 mm (133 / 40 BC) 7, 91 g. Bearded head to the right; l. (keltiber. ) "Ti" / lancer rushes to the right; at the bottom "Ti Ti AKo S". Burgos 750, de Guadan 671, Calico 1191, SNG Cop. 391. Condition: green patina, almost very fine. Estimated-price: 140
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. SEGAISA (bei Zaragoza). AE-As 23mm もっと見る
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. SEGAISA (bei Zaragoza). AE-As 23mm (105/40 v.Chr.) 8,99g. Jünglingskopf n.r. zw. 2 Delfinen / Lanzenreiter prescht n.r.; unten (keltiber.) "SEGaISA". Burg. 699, SNG Cop. - , de Guadan 461-462, Calico 1125. . Erhaltung: grüne Patina, ss Schätzpreis: 100
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. SEGAISA (by Zaragoza). Bronze As 23 mm (105 / 40 BC) 8, 99 g. Youth head to the right between 2 dolphins / lancer rushes to the right; at the bottom (keltiber. ) "SEGa ISA". Castle. 699, SNG Cop. -, de Guadan 461-462, Calico 1125. Condition: green patina, very fine. Estimated-price: 100
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. SEGAISA (by Zaragoza). Bronze As 23 mm (105 / 40 BC) 8, 99 g. Youth head to the right between 2 dolphins / lancer rushes to the right; at the bottom (keltiber. ) "SEGa ISA". Castle. 699, SNG Cop. -, de Guadan 461-462, Calico 1125. Condition: green patina, very fine. Estimated-price: 100
Münz Zentrum Rheinland
SPANIEN. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KASTILO / CASTULO (Cazlona). AE-Semis 23mm (133/116) 10,42g. Jünglingskopf mit Taenie n.r. / Stier steht n.r.; darüber liegende Mondsichel; davor (keltiber.) ["C"]; im Abschnitt [keltiber.) "KASTILO". Burgos 891. frühes, schweres Stück,. Erhaltung: grüne Patina, ss- Schätzpreis: 120
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KASTILO / CASTULO (Cazlona). Bronze semis 23 mm (133 / 116) 10, 42 g. Youth head with tainia to the right / bull based to the right; over it lying crescent; before that (keltiber. ) ["C"]; in section [keltiber. ) "KASTILO". Burgos 891. Early, heavy piece, . Condition: green patina, ss . Estimated-price: 120
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Spain. HISPANIA CITERIOR. KASTILO / CASTULO (Cazlona). Bronze semis 23 mm (133 / 116) 10, 42 g. Youth head with tainia to the right / bull based to the right; over it lying crescent; before that (keltiber. ) ["C"]; in section [keltiber. ) "KASTILO". Burgos 891. Early, heavy piece, . Condition: green patina, ss . Estimated-price: 120
Casa de Subastas de Madrid
Zaragoza). Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る As. 120-30 a.C. BILBILIS (CALATAYUD, Zaragoza). Anv.: Cabeza masculina a derecha, delante delfín, detrás letra ibérica. Rev.: Jinete con lanza a derecha, debajo leyenda ibérica. 12,20 grs. AE. Pátina oscura. AB-254; ACIP-1568. MBC+.
Zaragoza). Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る As. 120-30 a.C. BILBILIS (CALATAYUD, Zaragoza). Anv.: Cabeza masculina a derecha, delante delfín, detrás letra ibérica. Rev.: Jinete con lanza a derecha, debajo leyenda ibérica. 12,20 grs. AE. Pátina oscura. AB-254; ACIP-1568. MBC+.
Casa de Subastas de Madrid
Semis. 180 a.C. CASTULO (CAZLONA, Jaén). 9,51
grs. AE. (Cospel もっと見る Semis. 180 a.C. CASTULO (CAZLONA, Jaén). 9,51 grs. AE. (Cospel levemente faltado). Patina verde. AB-728. MBC-.
grs. AE. (Cospel もっと見る Semis. 180 a.C. CASTULO (CAZLONA, Jaén). 9,51 grs. AE. (Cospel levemente faltado). Patina verde. AB-728. MBC-.
Casa de Subastas de Madrid
GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る Dracma. Siglo III a.C. EMPORITON. IMITACIONES GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza femenina a izquierda. Rev.: Caballo a derecha. 4,37 grs. AR. ACIP-238. BC+/BC-.
GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る Dracma. Siglo III a.C. EMPORITON. IMITACIONES GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza femenina a izquierda. Rev.: Caballo a derecha. 4,37 grs. AR. ACIP-238. BC+/BC-.
Casa de Subastas de Madrid
GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る Dracma. Siglo III a.C. EMPORITON. IMITACIONES GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza femenina a izquierda poco visible. Rev.: Caballo a derecha, debajo bota. 3,42 grs. AR. ACIP-252. BC-/BC+.
GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る Dracma. Siglo III a.C. EMPORITON. IMITACIONES GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza femenina a izquierda poco visible. Rev.: Caballo a derecha, debajo bota. 3,42 grs. AR. ACIP-252. BC-/BC+.
Casa de Subastas de Madrid
GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る Óbolo. Siglo III a.C. EMPORITON. IMITACIONES GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza femenina a izquierda. Rev.: Caballo a izquierda. 0,29 grs. AR. ACIP-279. MBC-.
GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza もっと見る Óbolo. Siglo III a.C. EMPORITON. IMITACIONES GALAS. Anv.: Cabeza femenina a izquierda. Rev.: Caballo a izquierda. 0,29 grs. AR. ACIP-279. MBC-.